Welcome to the “Other JHQ-Sourced Documents” section of this website.
If anyone has any JHQ-sourced documents that don’t appear here please contact: webmaster@jhq-rheindahlen.de
The following table can be filtered using the “Search” function.

New Headquarters in Germany - 1956 - Colonel H. Grattan (C.B.E.)
This document is made up of two articles published in The Royal Engineers Journal in March and June 1956 and is a full account of the construction of the new British Army of the Rhine Headquarters (BAOR), Rheindahlen, Germany, 1952-1954.
It has been added to this website with the kind permission of:
N E Montagu MA CEng MIMechE FInstRE
Editor of the RE Journal
The Institution of Royal Engineers
Email: journal@instre.org
Copyright: The Institution of Royal Engineers
* Do not print or download and attempt to monetise this document

Rheindahlen Garrison - Official Guide - 2012
PDF copy of the Rheindahlen Garrison Official Guide from 2012.

"Living In Rheindahlen" booklet
PDF copy of a "Living In Rheindahlen" booklet issued in the early 1980's?

A History of Scribes Football Club (1958-1983)
It is with great pleasure that I upload a history of Scribes Football Club that I have received from Keith Williams, who played for them in the late 1970’s.
I was very happy to see that my name appears in the list of “Playing Members” together with the names of many of my fellow Queens School 1XI players from the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.
Something for all you “civvies” and “school boys” who were associated with the Scribes Football Club.

Rheindahlen HIVE - Welcome to Rheindahlen - New Arrivals Guide (January 2010)
PDF copy of the "Rheindahlen Hive - Welcome to Rheindahlen - A New Arrival Guide for Single Personnel" from January, 2010.

Rheindahlen HIVE - Welcome to Rheindahlen - A New Arrival Guide for Single Personnel (January 2010)
PDF copy of the "Welcome to Rheindahlen Hive - A New Arrival Guide for Single Personnel" from January, 2010.

Rheindahlen Hive - Guide to MoenchenGladbach - November 2010
PDF copy of the "Rheindahlen Hive - Guide to MoenchenGladbach" from November, 2010.

Notes for Parents of Boys and Girls attending Queens School
PDF copy of a "Notes for Parents" pamphlet issued in 19?? provided by ex-pupil, Chris Lawman.

Form Pupil List, Summer 1971
PDF copy of the "Form List" issued in 1971 provided by ex-pupil, Ray Chase.
The list contains the name of the pupil, where they lived at the time; their birth date (only month and year); what subjects they were studying; what House they were in; their classroom and the name of their Form Teacher.

Windsor School Prospectus
PDF copy of a "Windsor School Prospectus" issued around 2008?
If anyone is aware that the copyright holder of any of the above documents objects to their being used on this website then please email webmaster@jhq-rheindahlen.de who will see to it that it is removed.