Non JHQ Documents

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Created in the Facebook Group “Memories of JHQ: past and present”by Tracey Guy on 16 February 2016

“My daughter, Natalie (aged 16/17 at the time) , wrote this letter to JHQ as part of her A Level English coursework. It evokes powerful feelings, and I hope it can.”

The Future of JHQ Rheindahlen

This report by the IHEK on the future development of Mönchengladbach published in October 2019 details the plan that the “Stadt Mönchengladbach” and various official Federal Republic of Germany departments have agreed upon for the future of JHQ Rheindahlen.

If anyone is aware that the copyright holder of any of the above documents objects to their being used on this website then please email who will see to it that it is removed.