Return to “Closing Ceremony Timelines”

1970 Kent School staff

1970 Kent School Staff 2

1970 Official Opening of Kent School Buildings

1970 or 71 Queens School fifth form football

1970 Queens School

1970 Queens School Front

1970 Queens School Lezle Greenhalgh

1970 Queens School Mandi Greenhalgh

1970 Queens School mug

1970 Queens School Netball

1970 Queens School sport

1970 St Christopher's School JHQ

1970 to 1972 Queens School Janet Davey

1971 Kent School

1971 Kent School Presentation of Mini Bus

1971 Kent School Presentation of Mini Bus 1

1971 Kent School Sue Kelly

1971 Kent School The Sorcerer

1971 or 72 Kent School Staff

1971 Queens School Class 4a

1971 Queens School Class 4a1

1971 Queens School Eiffel Geography field trip

1971 Queens School Oliver

1971 Ranger Awards

1972 Kent School - Brian

1972 Kent School Football team Mr Knox

1972 Outside front of Queens School

1972 Queens Playboy of the Western World

1972 Queens SChool Brian Aspinall Headteacher

1972 Queens School Linda Gorman

1972 Queens School Lower Sixth

1972 Queens School photo

1972 Queens School Prefects

1972 Queens School pupils

1972 Queens School Wizard of Oz

1973 1974 Queens School Photo Gallery 1

1973 Kent School Football team

1973 Kent School Hockey team

1973 Kent School Paul Butterworth with football team

1973 Kent School Uniform Rules

1973 or 74 Kent School group

1973 or 74 Kent School student group

1973 Queen s SChool 1st Eleven Football Team 2

1973 Queens School 1st Eleven Football Team

1973 Queens School Christmas

1973 Queens School John Hilary Johnson Caretaker Died

1973 Queens School Prefects

1973 Queens School Queens Courier front

1973 Queens School Upper Sixth


1974 A Midsummer Night's Dream

1974 A Midsummer Night's Dream 2

1974 As You Like It

1974 Kent School

1974 Kent School Sixth Form

1974 Kent School Staff Ron Ions headteacher

1974 - Lynn Steele 5th Year

1974 Queens Courier

1974 Queens School A Midsummer Nights Dream

1974 Queens School As You LIke It

1974 Queens School group

1974 Queens School King Lear

1974 Queens School Midsummer Nights Dream

1974 Queens School Paul Sieloff

1974 Queens School Photo Gallery 2

1974 Queens School Roman Coin found

1974 Queens School Rurberg Trip

1975 1976 School photo gallery 3

1975 Eifel trip - Leaving Gemund

1975 Eifel Trip - Lisa Turner Mr McCrimmon & Jill Kirby

1975 Eifel Trip - Mary Scott, Kevin Mayes, Mandy Waddington, Martin.. Lisa Turner, Kim Samways, Jill Kirby & Julie Rock

1975 Eifel Trip - Phil Webb & Eric Gunning

1975 Eifel Trip Teresa Tanner & Gail Powell

1975 Eifel Trip - Teresa Tanner, Gail Powell and ...

1975 Eifel Trip - Tig - Tim Bower & Simon Clamp

1975 Eifel Visit Andy Moore & Jill Kirby

1975 Eifel Visit Andy Moore, Jill Kirby & Simon Clamp

1975 Eifel Visit Canoeing - Gemund Group B

1975 Eifel Visit Canoeing - Group B - Gemund

1975 Eifel Visit Dawn Cahill

1975 Eifel Visit Eric Gunning & Andy Coulson

1975 Kent School boarders

1975 Kent School Football Team

1975 Kent School Sixth Form Tonbridge House

1975 Queens School Christmas BFES Mess

1975 Queens School Janette Ayres

1975 School Photos Gallery 5

1975 Summer School - Vicky or Jill

1976-1977 Back Lawrence McGarry, Eric Everest, Pete Chealey, Mr Clive Payne, Mark Fairhurst, Andy Coulson, Phil Webb, Front Sim

1976 Kent School Happiest Days of Your Life

1976 Kent School Sixth Form class photo

1976 Kent School teaching staff

1976 or 77 Battlefields Field Trip

1976 School photo gallery 4

1976 Summer School - Archery

1976 Summer SChool - Carol Hayward and others

1976 Summer School - Dawn Cahill and others

1976 Summer School - Dawn Cahill, Andrea Mitchell, Mandy Smart and others

1976 Summer School - Mandy Quant, Mandy Smart, Andrea Mitchell and others

1976 Summer School - Mandy Smart and Andrea Mitchell

1976 Summer School - Mary Scott

1976 Summer School - Mary Scott and others

1976 Summer School - Mr Sid Clarke and ...

1976 Summer School - Steve Cahill

1976 Summer School - Swimming

1976 Summer School - view

1976 Summer School views 2

1976 Summer School - Youth Hostel

1976 Summer School - Youth Hostel ... , Mandy Quant & Mary Scott

1977 Army Children Flower

1977 Dawn Cahill Dec 1977

1977 Jill Ive, Vicky Bennett, Mary Scott and Mandy Smart Dec 1977

1977 Queens - Andrea Mitchell, Mandy Smart and others

1977 Queens - Andrea Mitchell - Netball

1977 Queens - Andy Moore, Trevor Dunn, John Fletcher and Dawn Cahill at Blue Pool

1977 Queens - Angela Dixon Dec 1977

1977 Queens School

1977 Queens School Football Team

1977 Queens School Football Team Dec

1977 Queens School Football Team Dec b

1977 Queens School Quad

1977 Queens School Skiing at Hopfgarten

1977 Queens School Tredegar Rugby Tour

1977 Rheindahlen Youth Club, Andy Moore, Jane John, Dave Armitage and others

1977 Ruth, Andrea Mitchell,Mandy Smart and Dawn Cahill Dec

1977 Vivien Rankin, Jill Island, Fiona Andrews, Terry Tanner, Dawn Cahill and Lynn Steele

1977 Xmas Dance - Alison Bradbury and Pete Chealey

1977 Xmas Dance - Alison Bradbury & Pete Chealey

1977 Xmas DAnce - Angela Dixon and Eric Everest

1977 Xmas Dance - Dave Lloyd and Mary Scott

1977 Xmas Dance - Eric Everest and ....

1977 Xmas Dance - Glrn Johnson, Pete Chealey & Alison Bradbury

1977 Xmas Dance - Jill Ive and ...

1977 Xmas Dance - Jill Ive and Dawn Cahill

1977 Xmas Dance - Joanne Shotton and Mary Scott

1977 Xmas Dance - Joanne Shotton, Mary Scott, Lyn Fearenby and Ruth..

1977 Xmas Dance - Karen Lines and Mark Strange

1977 Xmas Dance - Karen Lines and Mark Strange and others

1977 Xmas Dance - Mark Strange and Andrea Mitchell

1977 Xmas Dance - Mr Clive Payne & Dawn Cahill

1977 Xmas Dance - Mr McCrimmon and Miss Hull

1977 Xmas Dance - Sarah... and ...

1978 Kent School 1

1978 Kent School 2

1978 Kent School Rounders Team

1978 Kent School Staff

1978 Kent School The Mikado

1978 Queens School staff

1978 Queens School Tredegar Rugby Tour Paul Butterworth

1978 Roy Chester and Yvonne Menstrum

1978 The Snow Queen

1979 Kent School

1979 Kent School 1st Yr Netball Team Mrs Whitley

1979 Mandy Quinlan, Steve Day, Karen Bickley, Debbie Wilde & Sara Nolan

1979 Official opening of new building complex

1979 Queens - Duchess of Gloucester & Jim Lovegrove (HT)

1979 Queens School

1979 Queens School BFES Athletics

1979 Queens School South Block

1979 Queens - Visit by Duchess of Gloucester