Identify A Location/Building!
Can you help to identify all the locations/buildings as they were when you lived/worked in JHQ? This will help to track the changes in the use of each location/building throughout the life of JHQ. You must be a registered member and logged in to do this using the marker form that will appear below the map. Please add as much information as you can, particularly the year(s) that you are referring to.
Filter by All FOOTPATHS Armagh Ride Berkshire Ride Denbigh Lane Kent Ride Norfolk Lane Suffolk Lane Surrey Ride Sutherland Lane Westmoreland Lane INDIVIDUAL BUILDINGS ARK Primary School (Formerly St. Andrews) ARK Primary School (Formerly St. Patricks) Barracks/Blocks Big House Blue Pool Boiler House (East) Boiler House (West) Cambridge House Cassels House Chatham House Churchill Officers Mess Dental Centre Deutsche Post Fire Station German NSE German Shops Globe Cinema Grandstand GTO Section Gym No.2 Gym No.3 Hive Honeypot Creche Marlborough Club Medical Centre MT-section NAAFI Police Station Quartermaster Store Queens Lower School (Former Building) Queensway Club Rheindahlen Cemetery Rheindahlen Rooms RMP Corporals Club RMP Officers Mess Saddle Club Salmond House Sergeants & Warrant Officers Mess Sport Pavilion SSVC St. Andrews Church St. Boniface Church St. Georges Primary School St. Thomas More Church VCP Bravo Waterworks Windsor School Youth Centre JHQ AREAS FTC (Leloh) JHQ (East) JHQ (South West) JHQ (West) NON-RESIDENTIAL STREETS Antrim Drive Band Walk Bedford Walk Beresford Road Brock Road Cambridge Drive Chazal Road Cheshire Drive Clive Road Collingwood Road De Ruyter Road Ellington Road Gordon Road Grattan Road Grenville Road Malta Way Moore Road Nairn Walk Oakham Way Otto-Schmalbruch-Strasse Queens Avenue Reading Way Snyders Road St. Vincent Road Stephen Way Trenchard Road Tromp Road Wellington Road Wolseley Road York Drive RESIDENTIAL STREETS Appleby Walk Argyll Drive Auckland Crescent Aylesbury Way Ballymena Walk Banff Walk Bangor Walk Bath Walk Belfast Walk Bodmin Walk Brecon Walk Brialmont Road Buckingham Way Caernarvon Terrace Camarthen Terrace Canberra Crescent Canterbury Way Cardigan Way Carlisle Way Colchester Walk Cornwall Drive Cromarty Terrace Cumberland Drive Cupar Way Derby Walk Devonshire Avenue Dingwall Way Dolgelly Walk Dorchester Way Dorset Drive Douglas Way Dundee Way Durham Walk Elgin Walk Essex Drive Exeter Way Fife Drive Flint Drive Forfar Way Gloucester Drive Hereford Walk Hertford Way Holyhead Walk Huntingdon Way Ipswich Walk Kinross Drive Lanark Walk Lancaster Way Leeds Walk Leicester Way Lewes Walk Lincoln Drive Londonderry Drive Marino Way Marlborough Road Monmouth Walk Newcastle Way Newport Walk Norwich Walk Ottowa Avenue Oxford Walk Pembroke Drive Perth Walk Plymouth Way Portadown Way Roberts Road Roxburgh Drive Rutland Close Salisbury Walk Shrewsbury Way Shropshire Close Somerset Close Southampton Way Stafford Way Stirling Walk Stornoway Walk Sussex Drive Taunton Way Uxbridge Way Warwick Drive Wiltshire Close Winchester Way Worcester Way Wrexham Walk
ZIP / Address:
1km 5km 10km 25km 50km 75km 100km 150km 200km 300km